Our SiFu and SiHing

Ahmet Buzluhan

Our trainer SiFu Ahmet Buzluhan came to TA Wing Tsun about 20 years ago. At that time he had already been training kickboxing for 10 years and got to know and love the martial art Wing Tsun through our Si-Gung Turan Ataseven. He still practices TA Wing Tsun with passion and teaches the martial arts at two schools in Nuremberg. In addition, Ahmet Buzluhan offers kickboxing training.

Cengizhan Forward

Our SiHing Cengizhan Ileri has been practicing TA Wing Tsun for almost 15 years and is also the child and youth officer in the association. In Nuremberg alone he trains around 200 children. In addition to TA Wing Tsun and TaWa, he also holds prevention courses for students.
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